We held a karaoke session during the intercultural night.

We held a karaoke session during the intercultural night.

We held a karaoke session during the intercultural night.

The “Opinion Independence In The Digital World” Project gathered Dutch, Italian, Turkish and Spanish teams with the same vibe, and the participants enjoyed an Italian summer night.

The “Opinion Independence In The Digital World” project developed a training curriculum to turn the social media influencer profession into a European graduate-level education. The project organised four international influencers’ summits in Turkey, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands and an interactive e-learning platform for influencers and trainers.

For more information, please visit; https://www.ilabour.eu/projects/197/

The project is held in coordination with the Ibn Haldun University in partnership with;
Associazione Culturale Jumpin,
Agifodent – Asociacion Granadina Para La Informacion, Formacion Y Desarrollo De Las Nuevas Tecnologias.