Reassessment of Volunteer Recognition (RVR) Training Course was held in Ankara on 07-13 July 2018.
The project welcomed 30 participants from 7 program countries (Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, Macedonia and Turkey). It contributed to Erasmus+ program priorities in the promotion of active citizenship, equity, social inclusion, solidarity and a sense of initiative of young people and addressed specific needs of volunteer recognition in nonprofit organisations.
United Nations Volunteers (UNV), Turkish Ministry of Youth and Sport, Eskisehir Governorship, Keçiören Municipality and ILA implemented training courses with financial support from the Turkish National Agency.
Fundacıon Cıbervoluntarıos (SP), Danube Volunteer Centre (RO), Euro-Medıterranean Assocıatıon Of Exchanges Volunteerıng Events Polska (PL), Municipality of Stip (MK), Comıtato D’ıntesa Tra Le Assocıazıonı Volontarıstıche Della Provıncıa Dı Belluno (IT) and International Labour Association (NL) was the international partners in RVR training course.
The key objectives of the training course were as follows:
- To exchange and transfer knowledge and know-how on volunteer recognition,
- To improve the level of key competencies, social abilities and digital skills of participants,
- To enhance the volunteer management capacity of partner and beneficiary organisations to foster quality improvements in youth work,
- To promote recognition of volunteering to strengthen links between the youth field and the labour market.
#rvr #vol101
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