Keys 2 Giving Back LTTA2 Was Held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on 28 July – 1 August 2019

Keys 2 Giving Back LTTA2 Was Held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on 28 July - 1 August 2019

What is Keys 2 Giving Back – K2GB?

Keys 2 Giving Back aims to tackle the challenge of promoting an active ageing population to allow for social cohesion and higher productivity, in particular for the newly retired, allowing them to successfully transfer their years of experience and knowledge to a younger generation of associations, businesses and entrepreneurs. However, transferring knowledge and know-how does not always come naturally and can be frustrating to those who don’t have prior teaching or coaching experience. Therefore, through K2GB, we will focus on developing teaching methods for those interested in passing on their competencies.

Day 1 – Kick off

The kickoff meeting was held on Sunday, the 28th of July, @ the office. A great venue in the heart of Amsterdam where we got to know each other, learned about the programme and shared our expectations

Partners in this project are:

Previform from Portugal
Jupiter from France
IAAD from Turkey

ILA from The Netherlands as the organizer of this meeting.

Day 2

On Monday, we visited the Kesbeke factory. Amsterdam’s famous preserved pickled products. This family company is now run by the third generation, the first started in 1948. We were honoured to meet already the fourth generation. They shared their experience of learning from their fathers. That is by doing and especially by starting at the most basic tasks in the company and then work your way up. Because the fathers are more strict when it comes to their son’s behaviour and results compared to other employees, they become best in what they are doing. At Kesbeke, all employees are treated equally. Every year there are some students who work and learn in the factory through school programmes. On Friday nights, everybody gets together to meet and eat. Older employees share their experience throughout their years in the company with the younger ones, and so they learn and live the Kesbeke spirit.

Day 3
Music Generations

This beautiful foundation we visited on Tuesday. Music Generations is an intergenerational talent development programme. It started as a way to discover and share the musical treasures and history of the seniors, and later, it became a crossover between generations. They use music as a powerful bonding agent between people who usually don’t meet that naturally. Through songs, they spread their history and what is important for them. Through workshops and events, talents from different generations and cultural backgrounds share their passion for music. This common ground Music Generation uses to stimulate youngsters and seniors to perform together and transmit their vision on a diverse and caring society.

Day 4

We are happy to have visited this strong organization on Wednesday. This education centre is all about teaching children and neighbourhoods to do green and work towards sustainability. They provide teaching packages, materials and DIY projects. Through workshops, they transfer knowledge about nature. Anmec adjusts their materials to different target groups, they always question what the best way to learn is. For example, youngsters learn best through modern technology where older generations learn best through books. Anmec facilitates training for trainers, and there are advisors who help to spread knowledge. Every year around three interns join the team and they work on different topics. University students got more taught by theory books, and college students are more into practical learning through education boxes with tools to active learning on sustainability.


In the afternoon we head over to the cool Childpress centre. Childpress helps children find out what words inspire them and what talents they have. They connect them with inspiring adults to learn about society and give them the opportunity to speak up about their future. In this way, intergenerational learning goes two ways. Not just in an interview but by building long-lasting dialogue and interpersonal connections. They create tools that allow children to express themselves. Having children publish their talents, words, and inspiring people shows a grasp of those topics most important to the future generation. Within this organization, trainers provide children with media training so that they get to improve their talents.

Day 5

We had an interesting last study visit at Atria on Thursday. This knowledge institute on gender equality and woman’s history has an extensive library and archive where people can learn about the topic. There are books, pictures and materials used for demonstrations, it’s all about storytelling. Online they share information through a digital library and by interviews on television and radio. They also organize online press conferences via Livestream, which influencers write later to disseminate. Offline they organize events where people (inter)actively share their knowledge. Atria collaborates with other NGO’s to work on research and create a bigger awareness. “Sharing the past, debating the present, creating the future”.

Big thanks to Kesbeke, Music Generations, Anmec, Childpress and Atria for contributing to our work and sharing their stories