Closure and Certification

Closure and Certification

Closure and Certification

The Circular Economy and Waste Transformers training course, held in Amsterdam on 16 May 2023, has concluded successfully, marking a significant step towards promoting sustainability and waste management. The training, organized as part of the “Our Future: Useful Recovery” Erasmus+ project funded by the European Commission, gathered 30 participants, including academics, school principals, teachers, and students.

Hosted by the Dutch partner ILA, the course focused on three key themes: “Work together on Circular Economy,” “Explore Garbage Disposal Systems,” and “Waste Transformers.” The content aimed to foster a collaborative approach to building a circular economy, understanding waste management systems, and exploring innovative solutions like Waste Transformers.

Participants engaged in interactive workshops, discussions, and practical exercises throughout the training to deepen their knowledge and exchange ideas. Experts in the field shared insights on sustainable practices, circular business models, and waste transformation technologies. The course created a vibrant learning environment that encouraged interdisciplinary cooperation and cross-pollination of ideas by bringing together professionals and students from various backgrounds.

The certification ceremony marked the successful completion of the training course, recognizing the dedication and efforts of all participants. The certification validates their newly acquired knowledge and positions them as ambassadors for circular economy practices and waste management solutions.

The project continues to empower individuals and organizations across Europe to collaborate towards a more sustainable future. The project aims to drive positive change and support the transition towards a circular economy by providing platforms for knowledge exchange and fostering partnerships.