Which is for you, pre-Incubator, incubator or accelerator?

Which is for you, pre-Incubator, incubator or accelerator?

Which is for you, pre-Incubator, incubator or accelerator?
In the “Become Busy 2.0” Project’s Training Course, we reviewed the incubation period for startups. presenting ideas to angel investors was the other focus of the event.

The “Become Busy 2.0” project supported the initial stage of maturing innovative ideas through education, mentoring, consulting, and networking activities. By developing a virtual pre-incubator, a MOOC, and a digital library for youth, the project contributed to growing ideas into a viable business.

For more information, please visit; https://www.ilabour.eu/projects/88/

The project is held in coordination with the Institoyto Koinonikis Kainotomias Kai Synoxis in partnership with;
Asociacion Cultural Y Deportiva Lahoya,
Centro Internazionale Per La Promozione Dell Educazione E Lo Sviluppo Associazione,
Cyprus Organization For Sustainable Education And Active Learning (s.e.a.l Cyprus),
Panellinios Sundesmos Epixiriseon Hlektronikon Efarmogon, Pliroforikis Kai Neon Texnologion.