“Resilient Visual Tales” Project’s Youth Exchange Started in Trento, Italy on 22 September.

"Resilient Visual Tales" Project's Youth Exchange Started in Trento, Italy on 22 September.

“Resilient Visual Tales” Project’s Youth Exchange Started in Trento, Italy on 22 September.

The “Resilient Visual Tales” project addresses the specific needs of young migrants and refugees and non-formal education activities in youth work. The project trains youth workers on the main aspects of participatory photography: healing, communication, education and entertainment.

For more information, please visit; https://www.ilabour.eu/projects/159/

The project is held in coordination with the Mavì in partnership with;
Conexão Jovem,
Evropske Centrum Mladeze Breclav – European Youth Centre Breclav Z.s.,
Sdruzhenie Walk Together,
Youth Empowerment Center,
La Ampliadora – Escuela De Fotografia Social,
Spada Euth Dk.