ILA held Social Entrepreneurship local workshop for the “Innovative Approach for Developing Social Entrepreneurship” project

ILA held Social Entrepreneurship local workshop for the "Innovative Approach for Developing Social Entrepreneurship" project

The project is supported under the Support of Civil Society Dialogue between EU and Turkey Grant Scheme-VI (CSD-VI) and coordinated by the Aydın Young Business People’s Association (AYGIAD).

With 20 participants, we discussed social problems and innovative business solutions with young social entrepreneurs. Participants exchanged best practices and role models of social entrepreneurs during the activity. The event’s specific focus was recognition of migrant entrepreneurs’ contribution to the European market.

The project aims to develop a sustainable civil society dialogue between Turkey and EU member states. The specific goal of the project is to carry out a civil society dialogue with partner non-governmental organizations from Turkey, the Netherlands and Sweden, focusing on increasing the level of knowledge, skills and awareness of social entrepreneurship among young people by creating a sustainable social entrepreneurship ecosystem at the local and national level.

The project will continue with two study visits, the first hosted by Koc University Social Impact Forum in Istanbul and the second hosted by IFALL in Sweden. An online incubator for social entrepreneurs will be the project’s final output.

T.C. Dışişleri Bakanlığı Avrupa Birliği Başkanlığı
Sivil Toplum Diyaloğu
Sivil Toplum Sektörü
European Union in Turkey
T.C. Hazine ve Maliye Bakanlığı Merkezi Finans ve İhale Birimi

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