"Exodus" Projects' Training Course started in Ankara, Turkey. We discussed the migration challenges in Europe and worked on solidarity campaigns for Ukraine. Activity will last eight days with a number of workshops, study visits and cultural exchanges.

“Exodus” Projects’ Training Course started in Ankara, Turkey.

We discussed the migration challenges in Europe and worked on solidarity campaigns for Ukraine. Activity will last eight days with a number of workshops, study visits and cultural exchanges.

The “Exodus” project is part of exchanging good practices in favor of migrants, political refugees, and asylum seekers. The project’s intervention area is to reinforce the key competencies of adult learners through inclusive activities such as art therapy, performing arts, volunteering, human rights campaigns, and digital media communication.

For more information, please visit; https://www.ilabour.eu/projects/109/

The project is held in coordination with the Young Mens Christian Association Ymca Parthenope Onlus in partnership with;
Asociacion Juvenil Intercambia,
Rosto Solidario – Associacao De Desenvolvimento Social E Humano,
Alrahallah Theater – Berlin E.v,
Cet Platforma Skopje.