“Easy Drugs Do Not Make Your Life Easy” Youth Exchange Was Held on 03 to 12 April 2019 at Sarata Monteoru and Buzau.

“Easy Drugs Do Not Make Your Life Easy” Youth Exchange Was Held on 03 to 12 April 2019 at Sarata Monteoru and Buzau.

The partnership included 42 young people from 8 European countries: Czech Republic, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and Romania.

Mobility was planned from the context of the project is one in which young people are increasingly consuming easy drugs that lead to negative physical, mental and social effects.

The aim of the project was to prevent and combat the use of easy drugs and ethnobotanical substances and the effects on the physical, mental and social levels. The non-formal methodology was dynamic and diverse, including games, presentations, lectures, simulations, workshops, visits and intercultural evenings.

The project activities were training, introduction, getting to know each other and trust, team building and group dynamics, the presentation of the Erasmus + program and the youth pass certification, cultural and study visits in Buzau County. There were seven thematic workshops where the causes and effects of easy drug use were identified and analysed, and measures and solutions to prevent consumption were identified. In the creative workshops, participants prepared a visual campaign consisting of making videos, posters, flyers to combat the use of easy drugs.

The project was implemented as an Erasmus+ project and funded by European Commission. Asociatia Hair Redivivus Buzau coordinated the project in partnership with ILA and six other partner organisations.

Participants created the following videos during the activity.

  • Loop of time
  • Football Nightmare
  • The Purge
  • It’s Your Choice
  • Fading
  • Screaming Silently
  • The Collapse


“Easy dugs don’t make your life easy” had and still has a huge impact on the Dutch participants’ life. It brought awareness of the negative effects of easy drugs and the real-life stories that were shared in the group.

The project was obviously an eye-opener for all the participants and it is highlighted due to the unique methods used during the period. The World Coffee was the most effective activity within the team, where the participants were divided into smaller groups in order to create a more intimate ambience. Everyone had the chance to share personal experiences and opinions.

Overall experience was amazing, the cultural nights were made in a particular way, the energisers were always a moment for us to laugh, and the atmosphere was always friendly, where everyone could share their straight opinion without being judged.

Nevertheless, within the project, there were many friendships made. We are all grateful that we have been taken part in it, made friends from totally different cultures, visiting each other and networking.

The Netherlands Team

Iulia Andra
Jeroen Mustamu
Tjino Bartenburg
Margarita Rafaela
Ali Imran Celebi

Please visit the project Facebook page for activity details:
